House of Wells (H.O.W), a Non-Profit Organisation registered in South Africa & the UK exists to restore hope and dignity, and release the potential, of children and youth particularly orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children.  
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House of Wells Enrichment Centres
Quarterly Newsletter (April to June 2023)


Dear House of Wells PARTNERS,THANK YOU for your continuous support and generous donations which enable us to accomplish the plan of God for the children at House of Wells. We are seeing incredible improvements in their lives spiritually and academically, and God continues to do amazing work on their behaviour.  It’s such a beautiful thing to see the commitment and dedication of the children when they come to H.O.W.  

       QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER  –  April to June 2023
House of Wells SCHOOL SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME – We want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our generous donors who send funds specifically for the school fees and other school requirements for several children in HOUSE OF WELLS.  Currently eight students are being sponsored in Uganda, 2 in Zimbabwe and 2 in Kenya.  

H.O.W WEEKLY TUITION CLASSES – Our Tuition Classes this quarter were quite productive. House of Wells teenagers benefitted from one-to-one academic assistance and personalised lesson plans that specifically addressed their weaker subject areas.  
For students struggling with a particular subject, it is often difficult for teachers in the schools in the townships to give them the adequate attention and support that they need.  The private tutors we employ can identify where a student is having trouble and are able to use methods that can help the students to grasp difficult concepts. These tutors assist our teenagers with exam techniques and work with them to hone their skills and knowledge, to ensure that they achieve the grades they are aiming for.  

This is Nomtha (below) with her school report for this Term.  Her grade in accounting has improved from level 3 to level 5 after just two Terms of attending the H.O.W Tuition Classes.  Glory be to God.  

QUARTERLY HOME VISITS – We visited around 200 H.O.W children’s families this quarter. The parents/guardians were delighted to welcome us into their homes, some of them told us they have been longing to meet “these pastors” who have been taking care of their children after school. Parents/Guardians told us they are happy that their children are coming to H.O.W, some said that they were grateful for the groceries, uniforms, school shoes etc. that we buy for their children.  

Other parents thanked us for teaching their kids good manners and Biblical life-skillsthey testified of the improvements they have seen in their children’s behaviour since they have been attending H.O.W programmes.  In one of our teenagers’ home, two relatives who were drug addicts gave their lives to Jesus during our visit.  We praise the Lord for the redemption work that has started, and will continue, in their lives, amen.

House of Wells TEENAGERS – H.O.W was able to sponsor short courses and training for 2 of our young people who are currently on Gap year.  Asemathle and Phoebe are currently on the university waiting lists for their preferred Courses which were over-subscribed for this year.  H.O.W sponsored them for computer Courses and job-readiness training, to help them gain some skills and earn before they resume at university in 2024.
**Veronica’s story – Veronica B (16) started attending H.O.W Centre in Kleinskool when she was 7 years old (grade 1). She is currently in grade 10.  Veronica had a very low self-esteem when she joined H.O.W, but we could see a lot of potential in her.  She has now improved considerably.  We noticed leadership skills in her and the ability to dance.  So, we encouraged her to give the younger children in H.O.W some dance lessons. She has become an inspiration to the younger children. 

Veronica always says that her mom was sick and did not want to leave the house.  A few Saturdays ago, we had a “Parent and Teen Breakfast” event.  Someone sponsored a few tickets, and we encouraged Veronica and her Mum to attend the breakfast.  At the event, her Mum was powerfully ministered to and prayed for, against suicidal thoughts and depression.  Veronica’s Mum has since been attending church with both her daughters and has also invited quite a few people to church.   Someone who heard their story has sponsored Veronica’s sister for a Job-readiness Course so she can get a job. Things have started looking positive for the family.  Veronica’s attitude to life has greatly improved and she has gained a lot of confidence. It is encouraging to see the transformational work that God has done in her life, and in her family. 
**Shemondre’s story – “My name is Shermondre, I am 17yrs old and in grade 11.  My grandmother raised me from a young age after my parents separated. I started going to H.O.W in 2015. My grandmother was very strict and would go to H.O.W to ask Aunt Colleen whether I’m attending regularly, if not, I would be in trouble. At that time, I did not really understand what was happening, but I enjoyed going to H.O.W especially for the gifts and food. After a few months, I started going every day because my life began to have meaning.  I found motherly love which I really needed and the Word of God in every lesson made my life whole.
I later moved to the Teens Classes and there I gained confidence to stand in front of people and share what God lays on my heart. This became helpful to me in School and enabled me to do public speaking with ease.  H.O.W also taught me how to conduct myself amongst my peers and those older than me.  H.O.W leaders visit our home, occasionally, to ask our parents how we behave at home, and would also pray with my family.  I thank the Lord for H.O.W for teaching me about JESUS and for sowing into my life. May God continue to bless House of Wells.
**YOUTH DAY – 16th June was Youth Day in South Africa, H.O.W used the opportunity to organise a Youth seminar for our young people.  We had a panel of speakers, including our teenagers and community leaders.  It was interesting to listen to our teenagers discussing various Youth-related issues and the assistance that they need from leaders in the community in order to navigate life in a godly way.



CAPE TOWN House of Wells  Our 6 Centres in Cape Town continue to impact the community. 
**At Imvula, the Principal and staff of the school we use, told us that since House of Wells started in the school, the status of the school has improved, especially academically, and that they have become competitive in the district. 
**At Imbasa Centre, one of our children requested that we pray for her Netball team as they were not doing well in the championships.  We asked her to lead the prayer, which she did powerfully.  She came back with a praise report that they won for the first time in many months.  She said her faith was greatly strengthened by this and that her friends will no longer doubt the power of prayer. 
**In all the schools that we use for our programmes, we have observed that more teachers join our sessions with the children.  They said that they too want to be blessed by the word of God and the prayers.

HOUSE OF WELLS KENYA At the Centre of Hope School in Kibera, where we hold our programmes, the grade two teacher passed away suddenly.  At the request of the School Principal, House of Wells provided counselling and support for the children.  Two teenagers in our Centre in Lenana, Cyprian and Steve, have a passion to see more young people give their life to Jesus.  These two young men have been very consistent in House of Wells, and they love serving the Lord.  They organised concerts and prayer events in the community and encouraged young people to attend. It is amazing to see how God is powerfully using them. We pray that the gift of God in them will continue to grow and their passion for the advancement of God’s Kingdom will not wane, in Jesus’ name.  

Keila finally completed her eye treatment and received her glasses, we thank God for HIS provision for House of Wells.  

Missionaries from Harvest Christian Church in P.E. South Africa, visited our Centres in Kenya at the end of June.

HOUSE OF WELLS UGANDA  Attendance have been consistent with an average of 120 children in Lusaze Centre, 64 in Busawula Center and 120 in Mbogo.  One of our teenagers Shanitah, invited quite a lot of young people to H.O.W this quarter.  In the month of June alone, Shanitah introduced 10 teenagers to H.O.W.  When asked how she did it, she said she went around her neighbourhood and school telling other children about HOUSE OF WELLS and how the lessons have enriched her life

HOUSE OF WELLS MALAWI  – All is well in Malawi, the children are attending regularly.  Some of our children, those in grade 8, sat for their national examinations in May.  In June, we introduced some interactive games and fun activities into our programme to make the sessions exciting for the children.  This led to increase in the number of children attending the Centre.

HOUSE OF WELLS NIGERIA  – In May, we discussed the story of the man of Gadara in Mark 5:1-20 and encouraged the children to tell others about Christ (verses 19 and 20).  The following week 7 children from Muslim families were invited to our programme, and they are still attending.  

Two teenagers, Israel and Victor, attended our Centre once and stopped coming.  They are known as “streetfighters” in their community.  Our leaders met up with them and ministered to them. To the Glory of God, we have started to see some positive changes.  Israel now consistently attend H.O.W, and has been bringing his younger brother along. Victor told our leaders, “I used to fight before, but after the lesson we did on ‘Living Right’, I decided to stop fighting so that I can bring more people to House of Wells”.

HOUSE OF WELLS GHANA  – The two Enrichment Centres in Ghana are still thriving.  In Mangolane Centre, around 90-100 children attend weekly.  And in Ntsakina, we welcome an average of 80 children per week. Once a month and on school holidays, we organise dance and choreography sessions for the children.  In June, we introduced competitive football games at the end of our bible study and prayers sessions.  This has encouraged the children to invite their friends to H.O.W. 

SCHOOL FEES SPONSORSHIP  Beauty and Isaac from our Ntsakina Centre in Ghana need assistance with their education.  They attend a government school, so they do not need to pay school fees.  However, they need to pay for uniforms, books and ad hoc yearly fees, approx GHcedis 1000 (£70).


Acknowledgement of the support of the Church in Ghana  We want to sincerely thank the leadership of Global Revival Ministry (GRM), Ghana, for their immense support for the House of Wells Enrichment Centres in Accra. GRM had in many ways been a great blessing to the children in our Centres in both Mangolane and Ntsakina.  We pray that God will bless every member of GRM Church with an incredible harvest, in Jesus’ name.

HOUSE OF WELLS ZIMBABWE  One of our long-standing partners has sponsored two orphans from our Centre in Zimbabwe.  School fees and other school requirements for sisters Ngirozi (11) and Tatenda (10), for this year and the next, have been funded. We say a massive thank you to Mrs O, may the Lord continue to bless and replenish you in Jesus’ name.

Part-Time Administrator Required, to help us serve more children   We are embarking on an “exciting chapter”! House of Wells is now operating 35 Enrichment Centres across seven nations, reaching over 3,000 children.  

As the Lord continues to expand the ministry, it has also become clear that the volume of administrative tasks and duties has reached a point where additional assistance is required.  Over the past 15 years, these efforts have been within the remit of the founders alone, but the operational efforts required to efficiently run an organisation of this size necessitate a Part Time Administrator working alongside us, to streamline these processes and allow H.O.W to move to the next phase of growth. 
We believe that every child that you help to support, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We, therefore, need your help to hire a part-time administrator to enable the founders to focus on their core mission of providing high-quality programs, care and services to the children they serve.  Please consider making a donation today to help us serve every child effectively.  Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

                                            OUR PARTNERS
 On behalf of our Trustees, Staff and the children at our Enrichment Centres, we would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – every Individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partners with House of Wells (monthly or occasionally).  We appreciate your donations toward the children’s daily meals and monthly groceries, for the purchase of school uniforms, the tuition classes for our Teenagers, staff salaries, and our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations – THANK YOU!  May God bless and record your sacrifice and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name.   Churches partnering with HOUSE OF WELLS:–  The Liberty Church London (UK);  JESUS HOUSE (UK); City Chapel London, The King’s Family Centre (TKFC) U.K,  OASIS OF LOVE (UK); PRAISE CHAPEL (UK); RCCG Living Water Parish (UK),  Trinity Chapel (UK),  RCCG Bethel Parish,  Chapel of Life (UK), Worship Tabernacle (UK), Charis Christian Centre (UK)Beacon Life ChurchKenya and HARVEST Christian Church, Port Elizabeth –  we are grateful for your assistance and support in various ways. Organisations supporting HOUSE OF WELLS:– Rest Assured Property (UK);  LPS Estates (UK); VITAE London, Ambience Consult LTD (UK), Systemxnet Limited (UK)Vision Excel Ltd (UK), Panacom Ltd (UK), Precious Sight Foundation (UK); PARACH LTD; SHOPFIT GROUP (South Africa); KEYBASE Technology (UK); NAVAH Techno (UK) and HERITAGE Editing Services (UK) –  thank you so much for your consistent financial support, may God continue to bless your organisations / businesses.  

Many blessings,
Richard and Kemi OYIN-ADENIJI

House of Wells Enrichment Centres

 FACEBOOK/house of wells enrichment centres – http://goo.gl/Gw792H
 UK Charity Commission Reg no. – 1133474
 SA Charity Reg no. – 074732NPO
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