House of Wells Enrichment Centres
Quarterly Newsletter (July to September 2023)
Dear House of Wells PARTNERS, thank you for partnering with us over the past 15 years. As we plant the seeds, you are watering them, and God brings the increase and growth in the lives of the children. May God mightily bless you for your regular support, generous donations and prayers for the children at HOUSE OF WELLS. It is encouraging to see the commitment and dedication of the children when they come to H.O.W.
QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER – July to September 2023
House of Wells SCHOOL SPONSORSHIP PROGRAMME – Two additional children are now being sponsored to go to school, which brings the total sponsorship to 16 – i.e. 10 students are being sponsored in Uganda, 2 in Zimbabwe, 2 in Kenya and 2 in Ghana. We are grateful to the donors who send funds specifically for school fees and other school requirements for these children, thank you.
H.O.W 15th ANNIVERSARY – There were celebrations in all our Centres throughout August, as we marked 15 years since House of Wells was founded in South Africa (S.A). In 2008, we travelled to South Africa, with lots of uncertainties ahead of us, but we knew that because God had sent us, all would be well eventually. We started with 7 children in 2008 and as at 8th August this year, 3,000 children in 35 Centres are benefitting from the work that House of Wells does across 7 nations – helping children and young people through education and feeding them (spiritually & physically) :-
**South Africa – 25 Enrichment Centres with 1874 children and young people
**Zimbabwe – 1 Enrichment Centre with 25 children and young people
**Uganda – 3 Enrichment Centres – 245 children and young people
**Kenya – 2 Enrichment Centres – 250 children and young people
**Nigeria – 1 Enrichment Centre – 150 children and young people
**Malawi – 1 Enrichment Centre – 35 children and young people
**Ghana – 2 Enrichment Centres –100 children and young people
**15 of our teenagers are currently in university, 2 have already graduated and another one will be finishing from university later this year. Many more children are improving in their education through the daily H.O.W Tuition Centres.
**Many of the children that have benefited from House of Wells’ Tuition Classes have excelled in their education, with many more on track to do the same.
**Our teenagers are embracing a life of purity in Christ and turning away from gang culture. Many families have come to Christ through their children’s testimonies, many lives transformed, communities seeing the hand of God progressively. We give God all the glory.
We are truly grateful to all our partners, God can never forget your labour of love, your kindness and generosity to the children and young people at House of Wells.
– Richard and Kemi OYIN-ADENIJI

GIFT AID DECLARATION REQUEST – We need your consent in order to claim Gift Aid on your donations to House of Wells. A Gift Aid declaration will allow House of Wells to claim tax back on your eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to House of Wells we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you. Please click GIFT AID DECLARATION FORM to download and complete the form, so that we can claim back the tax. We would be grateful if you could return the form to us as soon as possible.
Thank you for all your donations which enable us to feed and educate the children at all our 35 Enrichment Centres in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi and Ghana. May you continue to experience the goodness of God, in Jesus’ name.
Part-Time ADMINISTRATOR Required, to help us serve more children – We are embarking on an “exciting chapter”! House of Wells is now operating 35 Enrichment Centres across seven nations, reaching over 3,000 children. As the Lord continues to expand the ministry, it has also become clear that the volume of administrative tasks and duties has reached a point where additional assistance is required. Over the past 15 years, these efforts have been within the remit of the founders alone, but the operational efforts required to efficiently run an organisation of this size necessitate a Part Time Administrator working alongside us, to streamline these processes and allow H.O.W to move to the next phase of growth.
We believe that every child that you partner with us to support, deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential. We, therefore, need your financial assistance to hire a part-time administrator to enable the founders to focus on their core mission of providing high-quality programs, care and services to the children they serve. Please consider donating today to help us serve every child effectively. HSBC Bank; account name – House of Wells Ltd; account no – 61660764; sort code – 400906; paypal.me/houseofwellsAfrica ; OR click on this link to donate – Please use Ref:Admin. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!
2023 CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS – As usual, we have started the preparations for the 2023 children’s FOOD HAMPERS. The food packs will be given to the children during the week Mon 27th Nov – Sat 2nd Dec 2023. This year, we are raising funds to buy food packs for about 3000 children across the 7 countries in which House of Wells Enrichment Centres are currently based – SOUTH AFRICA; ZIMBABWE; UGANDA; KENYA; NIGERIA; MALAWI and GHANA. Here’s our Christmas through the years short clip.
PLEASE donate £5 or R100 towards each child’s hamper, and kindly sponsor as many children as you possibly can. Please spread the word among your family and friends. We would appreciate your support to bring the Christmas joy to these children again this year.
To Donate towards the food packs :-
**U.K. – HSBC BANK PLC, Account Name – House of Wells Limited, Account No – 31817353, Sort code – 40-09-06.
Please use “XMAS PACKS+your SURNAME” as reference.
**SOUTH AFRICA – Standard Bank (Walmer Park), account name – House of Wells Trust, account no – 201497581, branch code – 024310.
Please use “XMAS PACKS+your SURNAME” as reference.
**YOU CAN ALSO DONATE via PAYPAL on our website – www.houseofwells.org/DONATION or use the link paypal.me/houseofwellsAfrica. Please use “XMAS PACKS+your SURNAME” as reference.

All our 35 Enrichment Centres are going strong and our programmes and activities in all Centres continue to transform and enrich lives in all the seven nations. Below are a few of the amazing updates and praise reports from various Enrichment Centres this quarter :-
SOUTH AFRICA & KENYA – H.O.W WEEKLY TUITION CLASSES – Our Tuition Classes this quarter were quite productive. House of Wells teenagers benefitted from one-to-one academic assistance and personalised lesson plans that specifically addressed their weaker subject areas.
For students struggling with a particular subject, it is often difficult for teachers in the schools in the townships to give them the adequate attention and support that they need. The private tutors we employ identify where our students are having trouble and use methods that help the students to grasp difficult concepts. These tutors assist our teenagers with exam techniques and work with them to hone their skills and knowledge, to ensure that they achieve the grades they are aiming for.
**Veronica B (from Kls, South Africa) went from a level 2 in Mathematics to level 4 and finished this Term in the Top 10 best students in her grade.


**CAPE TOWN – a young girl in H.O.W. Cape Town requested prayer for her family. Her parents are both alcoholics and unemployed. The leaders visited her house in July, prayed for her parents and offered some guidance. Few weeks ago she came to the Centre full of joy, and told our leaders that both her parents are now working and they have also stopped drinking. She said “I thank God for putting joy and peace in my family again”.

**ln Lusaze; Moses (14) in secondary school testified how a friend was advising them to cheat in an exam. However having studied about the Wisdom of God being first Pure (James 3:17) he advised his friend not to cheat but to believe God for a great result. His friend chose to trust God. They both passed.
**Agnes (13) was miraculously saved from being sexually assaulted as the attacker was overpowered.
**Diha testifies that when the term started, she thought she would be out of School because her family could not pay the school fees. She prayed and God made a way and she is back in School.
– All these children attribute their victories to their faith in God.

**Israel (17) was one of the troublemakers in the neighbourhood where we have our programme. The leaders committed to praying for him and having weekly one-to-one counselling with him. God has begun the work of transformation in his life, and we have started to see positive changes.
**Our Teenagers had Keyboard and Piano lessons at the workshop this quarter. They also learnt how to make Fascinators.

MALAWI – The recent feedback from parents/guardians is that they are seeing a massive improvement in their children, in the way they behave at home and their attitude at school. They put this down to the impact of the biblical instructions that they are receiving from House of Wells.
GHANA – In our last Newsletter, we featured the story of Beauty and Isaac from our Ntsakina Centre in Ghana. A generous donor has now taken care of their school requirements. We greatly appreciate this donation and pray that God will continue to bless and replenish the donor, in Jesus’ name.

ZIMBABWE – Tatenda and Ingirozi, the two girls whose school fees are being sponsored in Zimbabwe, continue to be exemplary in their behaviour and manners, and we are so proud of them. Their school teachers said that they are well-behaved at school. We pray that they will continue to excel in their education in Jesus’ name.
On behalf of our Trustees, Staff and the children at our Enrichment Centres, we would like to express our gratitude to each and every one of you – every Individual, Organisation, Business and Church that partners with House of Wells (monthly or occasionally). We appreciate your donations toward the children’s daily meals and monthly groceries, for the purchase of school uniforms, the tuition classes for our Teenagers, staff salaries, and our flight tickets to and from the Mission stations – THANK YOU! May God bless and record your sacrifice and seeds sown into the lives of these children, in Jesus’ name.
Churches partnering with HOUSE OF WELLS:– The Liberty Church London (UK); JESUS HOUSE (UK); City Chapel London, The King’s Family Centre (TKFC) U.K, OASIS OF LOVE (UK); PRAISE CHAPEL (UK); RCCG Living Water Parish (UK), Trinity Chapel (UK), RCCG Bethel Parish, Chapel of Life (UK), Worship Tabernacle (UK), Charis Christian Centre (UK), Beacon Life Church, Kenya and HARVEST Christian Church, Port Elizabeth – we are grateful for your assistance and support in various ways.
Organisations supporting HOUSE OF WELLS:– Rest Assured Property (UK); LPS Estates (UK); VITAE London, Ambience Consult LTD (UK), Systemxnet Limited (UK), Vision Excel Ltd (UK), Panacom Ltd (UK), Precious Sight Foundation (UK); PARACH LTD; SHOPFIT GROUP (South Africa); KEYBASE Technology (UK) ; NAVAH Techno (UK) and HERITAGE Editing Services (UK) – thank you so much for your consistent financial support, may God continue to bless your organisations / businesses.
Many blessings,
Richard and Kemi OYIN-ADENIJI
House of Wells Enrichment Centres
FACEBOOK/house of wells enrichment centres – http://goo.gl/Gw792H
UK Charity Commission Reg no. – 1133474
SA Charity Reg no. – 074732NPO
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